Monday, July 18, 2011

Update from Honduras July 18, 2011

For the coming week we are working to send a man to remove a fatty tumor ½
the size of a soccer ball on the back of his neck. There is a mission
hospital about an hour and a half from Tegucigalpa in Guaimaca that has a
surgery team arriving on the 23rd of this month. So he will be going this
Tuesday for an evaluation. So please pray that he will be accepted for the
surgery. He is 79 years old and has had a chest infection. Pray for him to
be completely healed so they will do the surgery. He has had this tumor for
more than 20 years.

Apart from this we will be working in Los Laurels for 3 days this week. Pray
for us to be safe, always hear and obey God, and to understand the patients
needs and give out the medicine correctly.

Pray for our Dispensas to be signed. The dispensas will allow us to bring
some equipment for the women’s clinic and our truck {that was purchased 1 ½
years ago} into the country without paying 33% tax on the different items.
Pray for our application for an environmental permit to be approved quickly.
This is also for the women’s clinic. Things move slow in Honduras but we
know that our God can make things move faster. We also know that all things
will happen in God’s timing and not ours. So I will ask you to pray for us
to be patient when necessary and pray for God to speed the government
process up.

We are asking each of you to pray about how you can help us with the
construction of the women’s clinic. It may be that God wants to use you to
tell someone else about the project. It may be that God wants you to
personally participate in some way. We are just asking that you pray about
this and listen to what God is telling you and step out in faith as we have.
Listed below are some of the immediate expenses that we will incur in the
next few months. Thank you for your prayer and support and God bless each of

I would also like to ask each of you to share this e-mail with others on
your e-mail list. Please don’t keep it to yourselves!

Site excavation and build road $62,000.00

Dig well 500’ – 600’ $16,000.00

Environmental license $10,000.00

Environmental Engineer $1700.00

Construction permit $10,000.00

2 Water storage tanks @ $13,000. = $26,000.00

Gray water tank $2500.00

Dilution tank $2500.00

Septic Tank $6300.00

Security Wall $70,000.00

Study by Environmental agency and removal of trees $2000.00

2 – 3 yard concrete mixer $25,000.00

In Christ Service always

John & Ana Lamon
The Hands of Christ
P.O. Box 1252
Franklin, Tennessee 37065

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