Hello from Honduras, John writing here. We have finally had a good rain here in the mountains after more than a couple of months without adequate rain. Maybe things will green up a little now. With the elections approaching on the 29 of November, the Honduran people are hoping to finally put their political problems behind them. It has been 5 months since the now ex-president was removed from office for illegally trying to change the constitution.
Yesterday, Tuesday, November 3rd was a special day for The Hands of Christ, Inc. We gathered 3 pastors and 12 lay persons at the Women’s Clinic site and had a dedication service for the land that the clinic will be built on. The land was anointed for Christ’s service and all that participated walked the land and spent time praying for the building process and the women and families that will be served there. One of the prayers was for God's blessing in the work that would take place there. Afterwards, all were invited to our home for a delicious lunch (I cooked part of it ). Please see the attached photo of the dedication. On the 9th of this month we will be coming to the states to participate in the Global Mission Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Please pray for our trip that it will be safe and very productive for our mission.
On a more difficult note, our truck is having more and more problems that are very expensive to repair. It is 11 years old and has served us well but it is time to get another one. If you can help us financially with this endeavor it would be greatly appreciated. We cannot go to help others if we do not have transportation. Please pray specifically and ask God if you are to help us and how, in the purchase of a new to us / used vehicle.
We appreciate each one of you and all your prayers and help that you have given The Hands of Christ.
Ana writing here. As my husband has already said, yesterday was really a wonderful day for us. It's true that months ago God gave all of us this land. And if you see, I said "all of us", rather than just "us" because each supporter of this ministry helped us take the first step in the vision for this to become a reality. We know that God already made it a reality before we did anything. We are witnesses of His tremendous power and love for His creation. Thanks to God, because He let us participate in this project for His Glory and Honor. God doesn't need any help but He wants to bless all of us for being givers. I am not talking about just money but giving of your prayers and letters that let us know that we are not alone in Honduras. We are all children of God. As Christians we need to take care of each other’s needs. Thank you for helping us care for the children of God in Honduras.
Thanks again because you have never left us alone. We are far away in body, but we are together through the Holy Spirit.
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