I am writing to you today as a thank you and a reminder about end of year giving. Many of you have already sent in a donation and for that we say “thank you very much”! If you have not taken the time to pray and ask the Lord how you are to help us then we ask you to do so. As we pray for our support team, we ask the Lord to make it clear how and where our financial support comes from. We have some looming practical expenses in the next few weeks. They include a new refrigerator to replace a 25+year old model that we brought to Honduras when we moved here 5 years ago and the replacement of a truck for our mission work and life in general. Our truck was 11 years old and we have repaired, patched and fixed as long as we could and it simply will not last any longer. A truck is most vital to our work as we cannot go out to the communities and villages without transportation. Over the years, if you have looked at the photographs of the roads we must drive on or if you have been to Honduras or any under-developed country, you know that the roads take a serious toll on a vehicle. If you would like to give a one time gift to help with the practical matters please let us know. Also, if you would like to become a “Helping Hand” monthly partner please let us know that as well. You may visit our website (www.thehandsofchrist.org) and click on the “Donate Now” button to donate thru PayPal or you may send a check to the PO box listed below.
We are a 501(c ) 3 Non-Profit organization and all gifts are tax deductable.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
What a Gift!
We recently received a gift from a young lady 10 or 11 years old who asked her friends to give money to The Hands of Christ instead of giving her birthday presents. She and her friends gave a $105! Wow!!! Way to go Elizabeth! Their sacrificial giving will help the needy in Honduras receive medicine and hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Elizabeth for your example of putting others first in the name of Christ!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Hands of Christ Board Meeting
The Hands of Christ Board met today and had some very exciting discussions about the building of our Women's Clinic! Planning to apply for permits in 2010 and get the roads and water systems started. Please visit our website at www.thehandsofchrist.org to read more about our ministry and show your support.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Please checkout our new website at www.thehandsofchrist.org!
Ana Lamon,
Hands of Christ,
John Lamon,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Dedication of the Land for the Women's Clinic
Hello from Honduras, John writing here. We have finally had a good rain here in the mountains after more than a couple of months without adequate rain. Maybe things will green up a little now. With the elections approaching on the 29 of November, the Honduran people are hoping to finally put their political problems behind them. It has been 5 months since the now ex-president was removed from office for illegally trying to change the constitution.
Yesterday, Tuesday, November 3rd was a special day for The Hands of Christ, Inc. We gathered 3 pastors and 12 lay persons at the Women’s Clinic site and had a dedication service for the land that the clinic will be built on. The land was anointed for Christ’s service and all that participated walked the land and spent time praying for the building process and the women and families that will be served there. One of the prayers was for God's blessing in the work that would take place there. Afterwards, all were invited to our home for a delicious lunch (I cooked part of it ). Please see the attached photo of the dedication. On the 9th of this month we will be coming to the states to participate in the Global Mission Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Please pray for our trip that it will be safe and very productive for our mission.
On a more difficult note, our truck is having more and more problems that are very expensive to repair. It is 11 years old and has served us well but it is time to get another one. If you can help us financially with this endeavor it would be greatly appreciated. We cannot go to help others if we do not have transportation. Please pray specifically and ask God if you are to help us and how, in the purchase of a new to us / used vehicle.
We appreciate each one of you and all your prayers and help that you have given The Hands of Christ.
Ana writing here. As my husband has already said, yesterday was really a wonderful day for us. It's true that months ago God gave all of us this land. And if you see, I said "all of us", rather than just "us" because each supporter of this ministry helped us take the first step in the vision for this to become a reality. We know that God already made it a reality before we did anything. We are witnesses of His tremendous power and love for His creation. Thanks to God, because He let us participate in this project for His Glory and Honor. God doesn't need any help but He wants to bless all of us for being givers. I am not talking about just money but giving of your prayers and letters that let us know that we are not alone in Honduras. We are all children of God. As Christians we need to take care of each other’s needs. Thank you for helping us care for the children of God in Honduras.
Thanks again because you have never left us alone. We are far away in body, but we are together through the Holy Spirit.
Ana Lamon,
Hands of Christ,
John Lamon,
Women's clinic
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Work Continues at the site of The Hands of Christ Women’s Clinic
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Under Curfew
Good afternoon! John and Ana called this morning to say that they are under curfew as are all residents of Tegucigalpa. Ex-President Zelaya returned to Honduras under the cover of night and there is or was a demonstration in Tegu in support of him. The media would have us to believe that tens of thousands people were involved in the demonstration but John said that it was probably 4 or 5,000. The city is really very calm and under curfew. John and Ana do not feel unsafe in any way right now. They are using these days to prepare for upcoming clinics getting medicines and supplies ready and for rest. If you have not been to Honduras, just riding around the city will exhaust you because the road conditions are quite bad. There are some stretches of road that are nice and smoothly paved but most are filled will pot holes if they are paved and many roads where John and Ana serve are all dirt and rutted from rains and travelers.
Please continue to pray for their safety and ability to serve the needy people of Honduras. Also, pray that the United States government would realize that the majority of the people in Honduras are "for" the new government and not for Zelaya and what he stands for.
Please continue to pray for their safety and ability to serve the needy people of Honduras. Also, pray that the United States government would realize that the majority of the people in Honduras are "for" the new government and not for Zelaya and what he stands for.
Hands of Christ,
medical missions,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Shoes not required for service!
Hello from Honduras,
We hope this finds each of you doing well and enjoying God’s blessings in your daily life! Here in Honduras we are constantly being blessed by God as we continue to serve Him among those living under the hardships of struggling for their daily bread. In the last two weeks, we have worked with Compassion International checking children in Tamara, Fuerzas Unidas twice, El Naranjo, and Acaguaque. The latter two being communities 20 minutes and 40 minutes outside Lepaterique. In the next two weeks, we will work in Ciudad España, Fuerzas Unidas, Las Hadras, and San Miguel de Arc Angel. God is pouring out his blessings on our work and the people we serve. When you look at the photos of the people, look at their faces and feet. Most of them are gaunt and some including adults don’t have shoes. They certainly don’t have money for a doctor or medicine. In the picture of the very small 11 year old, Dr. Ana determined after talking with his mother that malnutrition and parasites played a large role in keeping him small. We need your help to continue this worthwhile work. Please consider a one-time gift or giving monthly to support our work. No amount is too small! Also remember us as you think about your yearend giving.
Our women’s clinic is moving ahead. We will be getting bids shortly to make the entrance road and connection to the highway. Please pray that God will continue to put good honest people in our project to help us. Don’t forget to pray for us to drill the well in the right place. This will be happening shortly after we get the entrance road built. I have added the picture of Dr. Ana standing alone unpacking her things to encourage others to come and help. Just one person or a small team. We need doctors, dentists, nurses, people to evangelize and anyone that feels God’s calling to help. Knowing Spanish is a help, but translators are available. If you are interested please contact us at johnyana_41@hotmail.com When construction on the women’s clinic starts we will be accepting teams to help with that also.
John Lamon,
medical missions,
The Hands of Christ
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hot Tin Roof!
Another week has gone by and the political situation is about the same. Honduras for the most part is calm even though I have been told on the news in the states they are portraying it quite the contrary. There are still some demonstrations and some groups are on strike, but all that is very common in Honduras and most of the time no one gives it a second thought, except the foreign news media. Anyway, we had a good week working in several places. The photos are from “Las Marias de Nueva Armenia”. This is a very remote very poor farming community where houses are scattered far apart. People cultivate the steep hillsides growing corn and beans for local consumption. Most people walked 1-3 hours to come to the clinic and all were very appreciative of the help we were able to give them. Many heard the salvation message and were prayed for by a pastor that we work with quite often. Her name is Pastor Margarita. She loves the Lord and loves even more sharing what He has done for her life.
You might notice in the pictures the inside of the church… the handmade adobe bricks, the dirt floor, the handmade benches without backs, and the heat which you can’t see but you can imagine. It is hot under the tin roof. Can you imagine going to worship and praise God under these conditions? Just something to think about. How much God has blessed us in the United States with comfortable worship conditions.
We are fortunate to be able to serve in these communities, but we can’t do it without your continued help. Please continue praying for us and sending your financial support. We are very appreciative. Please remember our women’s clinic project as the end of the year is fast approaching. The project is moving slowing ahead. A detail survey with tree locations and elevation has just been finished. We will be applying for a permit to make a connection to the highway for our entrance soon and then we will build the entrance road. As you start to think about your yearend giving, please remember us and this very worthy project that will help many people.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
The Hands of Christ
Sunday, July 26, 2009
This lady cooked our lunch (chicken, rice, and beans) on her home stove
Claudia Stull doing pre-clinic in ciudad España where we saw around 300 patients
This crowd of 300 patients greeted us Friday morning in Guayabal just outside of Lepaterique The pharmacy team of Jessica Murhpy and Jackie Parks ready for patients in El Espino, Lepaterique 
The pharmacy team of Jessica Murphy and Jackie Parks ready for patients in El Espino
Teresa Law seeing patients with her translator Oscar in Las Hadras
The pharmacy team of Jessica Murphy and Jackie Parks ready for patients in El Espino
What a week!
Hello from Honduras,
We hope each of you are enjoying the summer and perhaps some vacation time or at least some rest and relaxation.
I would like to take this time to say that God is alive and well in Honduras. I want to say that for two reasons. The first is that there has been no fighting between people and the police or the army as many news organizations are reporting with the political situation. There is peace in Honduras!! The only people trying to incite rioting and other problems are ex-President Mel Zelaya and Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. Ninety-five percent of the Honduran people are behind the new government and just want peace. Democracy is prevailing in Honduras.
The other reason that I am saying God is alive in Honduras is because of the group from Tuscaloosa, Alabama that was here for the last week. They spent as much time being doctors as they did praying for the people and their needs. The Honduran people were very appreciative of the individual time spent in prayer. It was an awesome week. This was a first time group this group served with us in Honduras and they were greatly encouraging to Ana and myself.
We worked in two communities just to the north of Tegucigalpa. The first area was Divine Providence and the other was Las Hadras. We then went to Lepaterique and worked in the communities of El Espino, Cerro Verde, and Guayabal. Each day had its own distinct challenges and each day the group rose to the occasion.
Cerro Verde or Green Hill is a new community for us to work in and is probably the poorest and most remote that we have served. It is a good hour outside of Lepaterique with horrible roads to get there. These were by far the worst roads we have been on in the five years we have been serving God in Honduras. Our truck could not make the drive. We had to transition to four wheel drive trucks. Once we turned off the main road, it became evident why (see pictures of road). The second half of our trip was all on a handmade roads with large rocks being chiseled out with picks and other tools. We were all very tired and sore after the beating we took driving to get to this community to work. The only building we could see was the school building that we worked in. The poverty was evident as well, because of malnourishment in some of the people. Some of their sources of income are making a type of pine sol for cleaning floors from pine tree sap as well as some type of pine soap to scent clothes when they are washed. They also sell handmade ropes and handmade brooms. They have very little tillable ground which leads their poor diets and health problems. It was truly a blessing to be in this community as well as the others we served this week.
A note from Ana: As my husband already said, this week was unforgettable. In my entire ministry I have never seen so many sick people in just one week. It was like God guided us to make decisions that changed our lives as well as those of the patients. It was something different in the way that this group worked. For them, a priority was praying. How are they going to make it to see all the patients if they are praying so much¬? And I said to myself, God, do it your way not mine. That reminded me of the scripture of the two sisters in Luke 10-38: 42, and how God praised the one who chose to listen to Him. This was a big lesson for me. Thanks Teresa, Dr. John, Laura, Jackie and Dr. Lacy for being such a great Christians. Not only in the professional field were you all amazing but in spiritually loving the people you all were an example to follow. I know all of you made an impact on my people healing their souls and bodies. Thanks for being part of this journey and listen and obeying God’s voice and winning the crown that was already made for all of you. Thanks again, my sisters and brother in Christ.
As you can see we are impacting hundreds of people every week. But we can’t do it alone. We need your continued prayers and financial support to sustain this active and growing ministry. Please let us know your thoughts or any comments you might have regarding our ministry. We thank each of you for all you do for us. May God richly bless each one of you.
We hope each of you are enjoying the summer and perhaps some vacation time or at least some rest and relaxation.
I would like to take this time to say that God is alive and well in Honduras. I want to say that for two reasons. The first is that there has been no fighting between people and the police or the army as many news organizations are reporting with the political situation. There is peace in Honduras!! The only people trying to incite rioting and other problems are ex-President Mel Zelaya and Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. Ninety-five percent of the Honduran people are behind the new government and just want peace. Democracy is prevailing in Honduras.
The other reason that I am saying God is alive in Honduras is because of the group from Tuscaloosa, Alabama that was here for the last week. They spent as much time being doctors as they did praying for the people and their needs. The Honduran people were very appreciative of the individual time spent in prayer. It was an awesome week. This was a first time group this group served with us in Honduras and they were greatly encouraging to Ana and myself.
We worked in two communities just to the north of Tegucigalpa. The first area was Divine Providence and the other was Las Hadras. We then went to Lepaterique and worked in the communities of El Espino, Cerro Verde, and Guayabal. Each day had its own distinct challenges and each day the group rose to the occasion.
Cerro Verde or Green Hill is a new community for us to work in and is probably the poorest and most remote that we have served. It is a good hour outside of Lepaterique with horrible roads to get there. These were by far the worst roads we have been on in the five years we have been serving God in Honduras. Our truck could not make the drive. We had to transition to four wheel drive trucks. Once we turned off the main road, it became evident why (see pictures of road). The second half of our trip was all on a handmade roads with large rocks being chiseled out with picks and other tools. We were all very tired and sore after the beating we took driving to get to this community to work. The only building we could see was the school building that we worked in. The poverty was evident as well, because of malnourishment in some of the people. Some of their sources of income are making a type of pine sol for cleaning floors from pine tree sap as well as some type of pine soap to scent clothes when they are washed. They also sell handmade ropes and handmade brooms. They have very little tillable ground which leads their poor diets and health problems. It was truly a blessing to be in this community as well as the others we served this week.
A note from Ana: As my husband already said, this week was unforgettable. In my entire ministry I have never seen so many sick people in just one week. It was like God guided us to make decisions that changed our lives as well as those of the patients. It was something different in the way that this group worked. For them, a priority was praying. How are they going to make it to see all the patients if they are praying so much¬? And I said to myself, God, do it your way not mine. That reminded me of the scripture of the two sisters in Luke 10-38: 42, and how God praised the one who chose to listen to Him. This was a big lesson for me. Thanks Teresa, Dr. John, Laura, Jackie and Dr. Lacy for being such a great Christians. Not only in the professional field were you all amazing but in spiritually loving the people you all were an example to follow. I know all of you made an impact on my people healing their souls and bodies. Thanks for being part of this journey and listen and obeying God’s voice and winning the crown that was already made for all of you. Thanks again, my sisters and brother in Christ.
As you can see we are impacting hundreds of people every week. But we can’t do it alone. We need your continued prayers and financial support to sustain this active and growing ministry. Please let us know your thoughts or any comments you might have regarding our ministry. We thank each of you for all you do for us. May God richly bless each one of you.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hard work and politics?
Also, please check out http://aimingtoserve.blogspot.com/. this is being written by a nursing student who is with John and Ana until the end of July.
It has been many weeks of hard work, but at the same time we have seen God in control even when things don’t go the way we expect. We have been working continuously in several neighborhoods here in Tegucigalpa where the people are always giving us words of encouragement and thanks that we are there to offer them good medical care…. Something that is sorely missing in most of Honduras.
At this time there are many political problems facing Honduras due to the fact that the last government wanted to change the constitution so then president Zelaya could stay in power continuously. The supreme court stopped him using the constitution of Honduras. I could talk a lot about this problem but that is not why we are here. Even though we live in an unstable political environment, each day we leave our home to work trusting that God will always take care of us and that He will use us to pass His love on to those that do not know Him. We know that God will not put us in a place where someone can do us harm because He is using us to further His kingdom and win souls for Him. At the end of each day we give thanks that God has allowed us to serve Him and that we are able to bring hope to those who have no hope, those who are in need; the women, children, and elderly.
On another note, we just had one team from Brandenburg, Kentucky leave and we have another one from Tuscaloosa, Alabama coming this Saturday, the 18th of July. We also have 2 individual volunteers working with us right now. If you would like to send a medical team or individual to work with us we would love to hear from you.
As you know, we have purchased the land for the women’s clinic. A survey will be finished this weekend that will mark our boundaries, location of trees, and elevations. It will also include the elevation of the current highway so we can make our connection to it.
We appreciate each one of you. Your prayers, your comments, and your contributions. We hope that you will continue with each of them.
May God richly bless each one of you.
To make a contribution or to contact us by mail:
The Hands of Christ – P.O. Box 1252 – Franklin, Tennessee 37065
In Christ Service Always,
John & Ana Lamon
It has been many weeks of hard work, but at the same time we have seen God in control even when things don’t go the way we expect. We have been working continuously in several neighborhoods here in Tegucigalpa where the people are always giving us words of encouragement and thanks that we are there to offer them good medical care…. Something that is sorely missing in most of Honduras.
At this time there are many political problems facing Honduras due to the fact that the last government wanted to change the constitution so then president Zelaya could stay in power continuously. The supreme court stopped him using the constitution of Honduras. I could talk a lot about this problem but that is not why we are here. Even though we live in an unstable political environment, each day we leave our home to work trusting that God will always take care of us and that He will use us to pass His love on to those that do not know Him. We know that God will not put us in a place where someone can do us harm because He is using us to further His kingdom and win souls for Him. At the end of each day we give thanks that God has allowed us to serve Him and that we are able to bring hope to those who have no hope, those who are in need; the women, children, and elderly.
On another note, we just had one team from Brandenburg, Kentucky leave and we have another one from Tuscaloosa, Alabama coming this Saturday, the 18th of July. We also have 2 individual volunteers working with us right now. If you would like to send a medical team or individual to work with us we would love to hear from you.
As you know, we have purchased the land for the women’s clinic. A survey will be finished this weekend that will mark our boundaries, location of trees, and elevations. It will also include the elevation of the current highway so we can make our connection to it.
We appreciate each one of you. Your prayers, your comments, and your contributions. We hope that you will continue with each of them.
May God richly bless each one of you.
To make a contribution or to contact us by mail:
The Hands of Christ – P.O. Box 1252 – Franklin, Tennessee 37065
In Christ Service Always,
John & Ana Lamon
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Just wanted to let everyone know that John and Ana are doing just fine. They held a clinic today on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa and saw 150 patients. Needless to say they are tired tonight but doing well. The political upheaval is not causing them any problems at this point. If you would like to know more please feel free to email me. Keep them in your prayers. They currently have a team of 3 women from Kentucky and tomorrow one young woman from middle Tennessee is going to serve with them for several weeks. Continue to pray for their safety and God's perfect provision. Thanks and good night!
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sarah Lamon Hathaway
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Photos from Wednesday's Clinic
On Wednesday of this week Mary Grace, Katie and I went with John and Ana and held a clinic in one of the very poor neighborhoods of Tegucigalpa. These photos are of the church building that the clinic was held in. Can't get the upload working -- will post photos later.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sarah Lamon Hathaway
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wonderful Wednesday in Honduras
Wednesday started out as an early day again with a 5:15 wake up for me so that we could leave at 6:15 to take John Israel to school. It takes 30-45 minutes to get to his school so once we arrived and played with him in his room a bit we left and went to our clinic site for the day. We were working at a church building (open air, tin roof and homemade pews of white washed lumber) and the pastor and people of the church were supposed to announce that we were coming but they forgot. So we were disappointed there was no one waiting when we arrived. As we set up for the work day, the woman who greeted us at the church sent some little boys out through the neighborhood to spread the word that there was a medical brigade with medicine at the church and to come! Well, as you can imagine it did not take too long for people to begin arriving. We saw 73 people in about 3 hours. We stayed until no one else was coming and then packed up. Most of the medicines we handed out were for fungus, infections of many kinds, tylenol and meds for diabetes. Ana says that there is an increase in diabetes in the people of Honduras becuase they can afford to purchase carbohydrates to eat and are lacking protein, fruits and vegetables. While Ana was seeing patients and John was working in the pharmacy, the girls and I were counting and bagging pills to be used on future brigades.
The people who came were all glad to see us and I know this only because of the grateful looks on their faces and not because I understand the language! We were so excited to share God's love through smiles and hugs and handshakes. God's love translates easy!
I am attaching photos of the view from the Statue of Christ we visited on Sunday and one of my girls, John Israel and myself.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sarah Lamon Hathaway
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Happenings in Honduras!
We are having a great time in Tegucigalpa with John and Ana! On Sunday morning we visited the Statue of Christ and the park that surrounds it. We saw lots of beautiful native flowers and plants and were amazed and the beauty of the city even among the poverty from the view on the mountain where we were. You can clearly see the poverty everywhere you go here but from the mountain view it was even more clear. Many of the "houses" are really just one or two rooms made from scavenged boards and corregated metal in many cases with dirt floors.
On Monday, we were able to go with John and Ana to take John Israel to school. He is blessed to be able to attend an english speaking school. It is very clean and neat and his classroom had great learning toys and bright colors. The whole school is well taken care of. Ana's sister works there in the office.
I have discovered that part of the mission that God had planned for us while we are here is to help rejuvenate John and Ana. As you know, mission work is hard work. Not only do you work in the mission field that God has given you but you must work to raise your own pay check. Last week, just before we arrived, they moved into a much safer area which was needed whether or not we visited. In light of that, I have discovered they have some very tangible needs around their house. My daughters and I are working on that while we are here. It is fun to work for God when you can see the results which is great for my girls. The reality is that John and Ana do not always see the results that God has blessed them with because of the field of missions where they work. They do not always see the physical healing in the medical clinics nor do they always see and hear the lives changed through salvation but they are planting the seeds of salvation and sharing the medicine for the physical body.
Please continue to pray for John, Ana and John Israel as they serve in Honduras. Please pray for our trip and return to the states on Friday. Ask God how you can help this family continue their service to the glory of the Lord.
On Monday, we were able to go with John and Ana to take John Israel to school. He is blessed to be able to attend an english speaking school. It is very clean and neat and his classroom had great learning toys and bright colors. The whole school is well taken care of. Ana's sister works there in the office.
I have discovered that part of the mission that God had planned for us while we are here is to help rejuvenate John and Ana. As you know, mission work is hard work. Not only do you work in the mission field that God has given you but you must work to raise your own pay check. Last week, just before we arrived, they moved into a much safer area which was needed whether or not we visited. In light of that, I have discovered they have some very tangible needs around their house. My daughters and I are working on that while we are here. It is fun to work for God when you can see the results which is great for my girls. The reality is that John and Ana do not always see the results that God has blessed them with because of the field of missions where they work. They do not always see the physical healing in the medical clinics nor do they always see and hear the lives changed through salvation but they are planting the seeds of salvation and sharing the medicine for the physical body.
Please continue to pray for John, Ana and John Israel as they serve in Honduras. Please pray for our trip and return to the states on Friday. Ask God how you can help this family continue their service to the glory of the Lord.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sarah Lamon Hathaway
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We have Arrived!
Good evening from Tegucigalpa, Honduras! My daughters and I had an exciting and uneventful trip through Miami to Tegucigalpa. We easily went through customs and right outside was John Israel (age 5) eagerly waiting for us! We grabbed a bite to eat and then came to John and Ana's home. They recently moved into a safer area and their home is full of love and warmth. We are so glad to be here. Tomorrow we are going to see the Picachao --the Christ statue -- and to the english service at church. We are also going to meet with the architect who is here from Kentucky to continue the planning for the women's clinic. Weather permitting, we hope to walk the land on Monday or Tuesday and see where lives will be changed, physically and spiritually. I can already see the great need for the people of Honduras. Even here in the city, as in our own community, there is a desperation and sadness on many faces that only the love of Christ can remove. Please help us reach the people of Honduras. Please ask the Lord how you are to support this ministry. We need your prayers and finacial support. Any donations that you send will go directly to supporting John and Ana and their weekly medical clinic.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sarah Lamon Hathaway
Friday, May 22, 2009
Packed and Ready!
Sarah here today. Tomorrow morning at 6:00am, our two daughters, ages 10 and 11, and I will board a flight for Honduras! We are very excited to see what John and Ana do everyday and experience a week of life in Honduras. It is our girls first time overseas and my first time out of the country in.. well let's say .. a while .. since I was a teenager. I am looking forward to walking on the land where the women's clinic will be built and to go into some of the villages where John and Ana work each week. Please pray for our safety and health while we are gone and pray for my husband as he stays home and holds down the fort. We also have some business decisions and discussions to work through so please pray for clarity and unity for all in the cause of Christ. Thanks for your continued support and prayers!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Hello from Honduras,
It has been a few weeks since we last wrote. Let me assure you that we have been working hard. Each year, there is a sad but true event here in Honduras as well as other central American countries. The people burn much of their country for various reasons and this year the fires burned the land that we bought. Although this is not good, we are taking advantage of it. We can easily see all the rocks and small stumps and debris on the land and we are cleaning it up. This will make it much easier to cut the grass, build the clinic buildings and do other things as they arise.
This past Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we were in Ciudad España. I think this is the place where we see the most young children. As I looked at the patients lined up waiting to see doctor Ana, all I saw were mothers with 1 to 4 children and the occasional man mixed in. The babies less than a year old were very numerous. We saw lots of respiratory problems, diarrhea, and sinus problems. Among the older patients, we saw lots of high blood pressure. I think the respiratory problems were high because of the proximity of the fires to the community. For several weeks they have been breathing lot of smoke and dust from the fires and dry weather. Many of the fires have died down somewhat in the last day or two due to some cooler weather and some scattered rain (we got about 50 drops where we live). As always, we worked at Fuerzas Unidas this past Thursday. Our patient load is not heavy there, but they are always very sick. The total amount of patients that we saw were 319 for the week.
We are thankful for each one of you that supports our work. God’s work and the sharing of His salvation never ends. We have been blessed to have continued support for the purchase of medicines and for that we are grateful. We also need continued monthly support for our living and travel expenses to and from the clinics. This has fallen greatly in the last year and even a few dollars a month makes a difference for us. We know that times are difficult right now. We just ask that you pray about supporting us and follow God’s leading.
Please also pray for:
1. For us to hear and obey God’s voice in all we do and say
2. Our safety here in Honduras
3. For God to supply all our needs and the needs for the women’s clinic. He is the owner of all the gold and silver (Haggai 2:8)
4. For our campaign to raise money for the clinic (beginning soon).
5. God sends more workers because the field is much but few workers to work.
It has been a few weeks since we last wrote. Let me assure you that we have been working hard. Each year, there is a sad but true event here in Honduras as well as other central American countries. The people burn much of their country for various reasons and this year the fires burned the land that we bought. Although this is not good, we are taking advantage of it. We can easily see all the rocks and small stumps and debris on the land and we are cleaning it up. This will make it much easier to cut the grass, build the clinic buildings and do other things as they arise.
This past Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we were in Ciudad España. I think this is the place where we see the most young children. As I looked at the patients lined up waiting to see doctor Ana, all I saw were mothers with 1 to 4 children and the occasional man mixed in. The babies less than a year old were very numerous. We saw lots of respiratory problems, diarrhea, and sinus problems. Among the older patients, we saw lots of high blood pressure. I think the respiratory problems were high because of the proximity of the fires to the community. For several weeks they have been breathing lot of smoke and dust from the fires and dry weather. Many of the fires have died down somewhat in the last day or two due to some cooler weather and some scattered rain (we got about 50 drops where we live). As always, we worked at Fuerzas Unidas this past Thursday. Our patient load is not heavy there, but they are always very sick. The total amount of patients that we saw were 319 for the week.
We are thankful for each one of you that supports our work. God’s work and the sharing of His salvation never ends. We have been blessed to have continued support for the purchase of medicines and for that we are grateful. We also need continued monthly support for our living and travel expenses to and from the clinics. This has fallen greatly in the last year and even a few dollars a month makes a difference for us. We know that times are difficult right now. We just ask that you pray about supporting us and follow God’s leading.
Please also pray for:
1. For us to hear and obey God’s voice in all we do and say
2. Our safety here in Honduras
3. For God to supply all our needs and the needs for the women’s clinic. He is the owner of all the gold and silver (Haggai 2:8)
4. For our campaign to raise money for the clinic (beginning soon).
5. God sends more workers because the field is much but few workers to work.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A view of the land we have purchased for the women's clinic -- Ana Lamon signing contract for purchase of land -- John Lamon signing contract
Land is Purchased!
Wow! God has truly blessed us and the work we are doing here in Honduras!
With help from many people, The Hands of Christ, Inc. was able to raise the money to buy this beautiful 8 ½ acres of land. We give all the honor and praise to God! This is His work that we are doing and even in the mist of hard economic times, he has supplied all that we need for the purchase of the land. The land is basically flat with some scattered pines trees as well as good building sites for the clinic and other necessary buildings. (See attached photo).
Now, we are ready to raise money for the infrastructure (access road, well for water, septic system), building foundations, and security wall. We have contractors that are going to come and lay the blocks for the walls of the buildings. God is providing for this project every step of the way. After all, it is from Him and for Him that we do it. Many people have said they wanted to contribute to the buildings themselves and not the land purchase. Now is the time! We are ready to begin construction. Please send your donations to the post office box listed below with “clinic” in the memo blank.
Right after the group from Kentucky left Honduras a few weeks ago, we worked in several poor neighborhoods in and around Tegucigalpa. We saw around 600 patients. We were fortunate to have great helpers in nurse Brandy and Karla, one of our translators. The end of last week we worked in San Ignacio (about 2 ½ hours from Tegucigalpa) and El Naranjal (about 4 hours from Tegucigalpa). What a blessing it is to go where the need is greatest! In these two communities we saw around 200 patients over 2 days. Here we worked with nurse Kelly, dental hygienist Kathy, and Wanda, who is an assistant to a surgeon. What a great team they made. We also had Miny, the local dentist that we use from time to time with us. She stayed quite busy. We worked though the local pastor, Jose Vasquez and his wife on this venture.
We have lots of fun serving God, sharing His word, and meeting wonderful people. It is like moving in a spiritual dimension as we let God use us His way, in His time, and resting in Him and we believe that even thought there is an economic downturn in society, God is still on His throne and in total control.
From all the Lamons in Honduras, we wish you a Happy Easter!!
Always in Christ’s Service,
John & Ana Lamon
For donations or correspondence by regular mail:
The Hands of Christ
P.O. Box 1252
Franklin, TN 37065
Wow! God has truly blessed us and the work we are doing here in Honduras!
With help from many people, The Hands of Christ, Inc. was able to raise the money to buy this beautiful 8 ½ acres of land. We give all the honor and praise to God! This is His work that we are doing and even in the mist of hard economic times, he has supplied all that we need for the purchase of the land. The land is basically flat with some scattered pines trees as well as good building sites for the clinic and other necessary buildings. (See attached photo).
Now, we are ready to raise money for the infrastructure (access road, well for water, septic system), building foundations, and security wall. We have contractors that are going to come and lay the blocks for the walls of the buildings. God is providing for this project every step of the way. After all, it is from Him and for Him that we do it. Many people have said they wanted to contribute to the buildings themselves and not the land purchase. Now is the time! We are ready to begin construction. Please send your donations to the post office box listed below with “clinic” in the memo blank.
Right after the group from Kentucky left Honduras a few weeks ago, we worked in several poor neighborhoods in and around Tegucigalpa. We saw around 600 patients. We were fortunate to have great helpers in nurse Brandy and Karla, one of our translators. The end of last week we worked in San Ignacio (about 2 ½ hours from Tegucigalpa) and El Naranjal (about 4 hours from Tegucigalpa). What a blessing it is to go where the need is greatest! In these two communities we saw around 200 patients over 2 days. Here we worked with nurse Kelly, dental hygienist Kathy, and Wanda, who is an assistant to a surgeon. What a great team they made. We also had Miny, the local dentist that we use from time to time with us. She stayed quite busy. We worked though the local pastor, Jose Vasquez and his wife on this venture.
We have lots of fun serving God, sharing His word, and meeting wonderful people. It is like moving in a spiritual dimension as we let God use us His way, in His time, and resting in Him and we believe that even thought there is an economic downturn in society, God is still on His throne and in total control.
From all the Lamons in Honduras, we wish you a Happy Easter!!
Always in Christ’s Service,
John & Ana Lamon
For donations or correspondence by regular mail:
The Hands of Christ
P.O. Box 1252
Franklin, TN 37065
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March 15, Update
Hello from Honduras!
What a great week we just finished! We had a group here from Frankfort, Kentucky and the surrounding area. In their group was a pharmacist, ER doctor, gynecologist, doctor of Internal medicine, two dentists, a dental hygienist, health education teachers, a lab nurse, people for triage and intake, a hospital engineer, an optometrist as well as a number of people to support the daily operations. What a group! They treated well over 1000 people for the four and one half days that they worked in Fuerzas Unidas. Ana and I are thankful for their work and the community where they worked is also very appreciative.
Some notes from Dr. Ana Lamon:
God has made ways in our lives that we cannot refuse to walk in. He is so powerful that He wants to show us how to live an abundant life. We could live in our owns paths but when we recognize we don’t belong to ourselves it is impossible to ignore who made the earth and all existing in it ( I Corinthians 10:26).
For us it is a privilege surrender our lives to God. One more time, God displayed His grace upon my husband and me for giving us the opportunity to work with the group from Kentucky. We missed working with those that could not come for some reason but at the same time it was our pleasure to meet some new people. As always, this group made a tremendous difference in Fuerzas Unidas. The great commitment and willingness to help those in need were an inspiration for me. The demand of patients was tremendous. This team showed an excellent capacity to handle all the challenges of this year. God was working on our side and we saw the desire of our heart accomplished: to see as many patients as we could and not looking for a number of people but showing God’s love to all of them. We are trusting on God to perform the great commitment that He is sending His people to the Nations and spreading the good news of Salvation and His mercy for the human being. Together, we are an instrument of God.
Thank you, Methodist Church of Kentucky for coming and make possible this dream a reality. Thank you to the optometrist and group of doctors. You do not have any idea what it meant to me to receive your help. You took my pain, frustration, and anguish away from my heart that I feel when I cannot give medical care to those 100 patients that are left at the end of the day because sometimes I do not have enough energy to see 100 more patients each day. Thanks again. And may God bless you forever.
Thank you dental team for always doing an excellent work in the Fuerzas Unidas School as well as in the clinic . It is amazing to see you guys dressing like an operating room and seeing all the equipment settled. The way you are working sterilizing the equipment you use with each patient and your interest in doing a perfect job even sending some patients who required special attention to a local dentist in Tegucigalpa. And of course we are thankful that you are taking care of them and paying for their treatment.
Thank you to the pharmacy team for always showing diligence and dedication in all you do reviewing and changing prescriptions as needed. I thank God for you wisdom.
Thank you Reina for performing a great job in the educational area. Excellent English and Spanish, catracha!!!!! What can I say about the triage team? New faces and old friends organizing the patients to be seen by the different doctors. You were so helpful facilitating the patients with great interrogation (reasons for coming) and helping the speed of the doctors to see each patient. Melody, the great lady in the waiting area, with her tenderness, goodness, love and overall patience to talk to the people showing the quality of human life to all patients. You always did the distribution of the patients according to their necessity, order of arrival, and emergency with such great skill. Many patients told me that you looked like an angel coming from heaven to help them.
Thank you Arnie, Sister Larraine, T.J., Jeremiah, Cindy and Jim for gave us your time, talents in a tremendous ways.
What else can I say? Thank all of you for making this medical brigade a resounding success again.
John 12:26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
What a great week we just finished! We had a group here from Frankfort, Kentucky and the surrounding area. In their group was a pharmacist, ER doctor, gynecologist, doctor of Internal medicine, two dentists, a dental hygienist, health education teachers, a lab nurse, people for triage and intake, a hospital engineer, an optometrist as well as a number of people to support the daily operations. What a group! They treated well over 1000 people for the four and one half days that they worked in Fuerzas Unidas. Ana and I are thankful for their work and the community where they worked is also very appreciative.
Some notes from Dr. Ana Lamon:
God has made ways in our lives that we cannot refuse to walk in. He is so powerful that He wants to show us how to live an abundant life. We could live in our owns paths but when we recognize we don’t belong to ourselves it is impossible to ignore who made the earth and all existing in it ( I Corinthians 10:26).
For us it is a privilege surrender our lives to God. One more time, God displayed His grace upon my husband and me for giving us the opportunity to work with the group from Kentucky. We missed working with those that could not come for some reason but at the same time it was our pleasure to meet some new people. As always, this group made a tremendous difference in Fuerzas Unidas. The great commitment and willingness to help those in need were an inspiration for me. The demand of patients was tremendous. This team showed an excellent capacity to handle all the challenges of this year. God was working on our side and we saw the desire of our heart accomplished: to see as many patients as we could and not looking for a number of people but showing God’s love to all of them. We are trusting on God to perform the great commitment that He is sending His people to the Nations and spreading the good news of Salvation and His mercy for the human being. Together, we are an instrument of God.
Thank you, Methodist Church of Kentucky for coming and make possible this dream a reality. Thank you to the optometrist and group of doctors. You do not have any idea what it meant to me to receive your help. You took my pain, frustration, and anguish away from my heart that I feel when I cannot give medical care to those 100 patients that are left at the end of the day because sometimes I do not have enough energy to see 100 more patients each day. Thanks again. And may God bless you forever.
Thank you dental team for always doing an excellent work in the Fuerzas Unidas School as well as in the clinic . It is amazing to see you guys dressing like an operating room and seeing all the equipment settled. The way you are working sterilizing the equipment you use with each patient and your interest in doing a perfect job even sending some patients who required special attention to a local dentist in Tegucigalpa. And of course we are thankful that you are taking care of them and paying for their treatment.
Thank you to the pharmacy team for always showing diligence and dedication in all you do reviewing and changing prescriptions as needed. I thank God for you wisdom.
Thank you Reina for performing a great job in the educational area. Excellent English and Spanish, catracha!!!!! What can I say about the triage team? New faces and old friends organizing the patients to be seen by the different doctors. You were so helpful facilitating the patients with great interrogation (reasons for coming) and helping the speed of the doctors to see each patient. Melody, the great lady in the waiting area, with her tenderness, goodness, love and overall patience to talk to the people showing the quality of human life to all patients. You always did the distribution of the patients according to their necessity, order of arrival, and emergency with such great skill. Many patients told me that you looked like an angel coming from heaven to help them.
Thank you Arnie, Sister Larraine, T.J., Jeremiah, Cindy and Jim for gave us your time, talents in a tremendous ways.
What else can I say? Thank all of you for making this medical brigade a resounding success again.
John 12:26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This past week we were back in Ciudad España which is a community built for refugees from Hurricane Mitch which hit Honduras in 1998. We were there Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We saw around 100 to 105 patients a day. Usually we see 15 -20% that just come for medicine for the future (we don’t like that). But here everyone was really sick. We saw lots and lots of children and babies with diarrhea and respiratory problems. The government health department for this large community has no doctor and practically no medicine. They were sending people to us!
The church that we worked through is call “Iglesia Cuadrangular”. What I like about working with them is while we are doing the “medical part”, they are working on the “spiritual part”. They would talk with the patients about Christ love for them and His plan for their salvation. They had a group of ladies that would pray with people for their healing or whatever problems they had. They also prayed for our health and our women’s clinic. If God is for you who can stand against you.
Ana Lamon,
Hands of Christ,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Return to Honduras
Hello from Honduras!
We are back home after a quick visit to Tennessee & Alabama. We visited with family and friends for a few days and then went to Tuscaloosa Alabama for a 5 day mission conference. The hospitality of the members of Tuscaloosa First UMC was something special. They went out of their way to take care of all our needs as well as the needs of the other missionaries in attendance. Personally I really enjoyed the food! You just can’t find southern fried catfish in Honduras! And the deserts…. Well I am on a diet now! We are grateful for the opportunity to attend the conference. We always come away rejuvenated and ready to work again. Thank you for your prayers and continued support. Thank you Tuscaloosa, Alabama First UMC.
On another note, we are back in Honduras and have begun working again. This past Thursday we were in Fuerzas Unidas, here in Tegucigalpa and Friday we went to Lepaterique. In the coming week we will be in Ciudad España Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and on Thursday we will be in Fuerzas Unidas. We will also pick up Jim Burris on Thursday in preparation for their group from Kentucky the next week.
We would also like to thank Brentwood Methodist in Brentwood Tennessee for their continued support and the purchasing of medicine for our work. Without your support we could not accomplish all that we do. Thank you Brentwood Methodist!
We appreciate each one of you, your prayers, your support, and your commitment to helping us to help the poor in Honduras.
Of course it goes without saying that without God we would not be able to our work. He is our help & guidance every day. It is good that He is in control and not us.
We are back home after a quick visit to Tennessee & Alabama. We visited with family and friends for a few days and then went to Tuscaloosa Alabama for a 5 day mission conference. The hospitality of the members of Tuscaloosa First UMC was something special. They went out of their way to take care of all our needs as well as the needs of the other missionaries in attendance. Personally I really enjoyed the food! You just can’t find southern fried catfish in Honduras! And the deserts…. Well I am on a diet now! We are grateful for the opportunity to attend the conference. We always come away rejuvenated and ready to work again. Thank you for your prayers and continued support. Thank you Tuscaloosa, Alabama First UMC.
On another note, we are back in Honduras and have begun working again. This past Thursday we were in Fuerzas Unidas, here in Tegucigalpa and Friday we went to Lepaterique. In the coming week we will be in Ciudad España Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and on Thursday we will be in Fuerzas Unidas. We will also pick up Jim Burris on Thursday in preparation for their group from Kentucky the next week.
We would also like to thank Brentwood Methodist in Brentwood Tennessee for their continued support and the purchasing of medicine for our work. Without your support we could not accomplish all that we do. Thank you Brentwood Methodist!
We appreciate each one of you, your prayers, your support, and your commitment to helping us to help the poor in Honduras.
Of course it goes without saying that without God we would not be able to our work. He is our help & guidance every day. It is good that He is in control and not us.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thank you Edwards Grove Church
We want to thank Edwards Grove Church for their gracious hospitality this morning. We thoroughly enjoyed being in Sunday School and worship with you. John and Ana were greatly encouraged about the interest shown in the mission and a few people asking about traveling to Honduras to work for a few days. Sarah will be getting in touch with those who are interested with some details later. A big thank you to Jerry and Sharon Connell for coordinating our visit and lunch. Your love offering comes at a critical financial time and we are thankful for your support and prayers.
On another note we are still needing money for the purchase of the land for the women's hospital. Anything you donate will be matched from a generous donor so your $10 becomes $20 and your $25 become $50. Please pray about what God would have you to give.
Thank you and have a blessed week!
On another note we are still needing money for the purchase of the land for the women's hospital. Anything you donate will be matched from a generous donor so your $10 becomes $20 and your $25 become $50. Please pray about what God would have you to give.
Thank you and have a blessed week!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Global Missions Conference
Good afternoon! John, Ana and John Israel arrived in Memphis earlier this week to spend a few days with our parents and are now preparing to go to Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the Global Missions Conference at First UMC. They are meeting with potential donors for the women's clinic and visiting with other supporters while in Memphis. Please continue to pray for their preparation for the conference as they will be speaking with different groups and sharing the vision that God has laid on their hearts. May the Lord Bless you in all you do.
Ana Lamon,
Hands of Christ,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Message for the week of January 10th
Hello from Honduras,
What a great week we have had! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we worked in a new neighborhood. The name of it was Alemania or Germany in English. They were extremely poor and have been affect greatly by the increase in the minimum wage that took effect the first of the year. I know that sounds like a good thing….and it is, but, the problem is the business owners do not want to pay or cannot pay the increase. The pay increase ranges from 60% up to 256% depending on where you are (rural or urban) and what type of job it is. Thousands have already lost their jobs and more will. Some businesses have already moved to other countries such as El Salvador and Nicaragua. Many of the poor want to keep the wage they have so they won’t lose their job and this way they can still afford to buy food to eat. Thursday there were some manifestations of workers and teachers protesting in favor of the increase in salary. The teachers are also protesting and saying they will not go back to work until they are all paid for last year’s work. Many have not been paid in more than 4 months and some up to 10 months. How many of us would work if we were not getting paid? Also, the teachers are in favor of the minimum wage increase because their salaries are tied to the minimum wage. If it is increased they get an automatic wage increase too. This is causing an already bad situation to get worse.
All this week we have seen many elderly and some not so elderly with high blood pressure. We are seeing lots of fungus that is on the entire body. Not just a couple of spots here and there which is typical. We have seen plenty of respiratory problems as well as muscle aches and pains from the hard physical life that the people lead.
We are so grateful for the support that each of you offers us and we appreciate your continuous prayers. We will be in the states beginning January 24 for several meetings raising money for the Women’s clinic and a 5 day mission conference in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Please pray for our safety during the trip as well as each day here in Honduras. Please pray that all that hear of our work will open their hearts and be generous in their support of us, purchasing the land, and the Women’s clinic. Pray for us to hear and obey God’s voice every day. Pray for us to have a good supply of medicine to work with. Pray for us to be in good health.
We appreciate each of you!
Sorry I don’t have any pictures… someone stole our camera! Please visit our blog at www.thehandsofchrist.blogspot.com and leave comments for John and Ana. Please click on the word “comment” to leave John and Ana a message.
In Christ Service
John & Ana Lamon
For donations or correspondence by regular mail:
The Hands of Christ
P.O. Box 1252
Franklin, TN 37065
Telephone in Honduras 011-504-228-1902
Cell phone in Honduras 011-504-9-967-4574
Fax 011-504-228-1783
Sarah Hathaway 615-591-1706
Zechariah 4:6 So he said to me, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit,' says the Lord Almighty.
What a great week we have had! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we worked in a new neighborhood. The name of it was Alemania or Germany in English. They were extremely poor and have been affect greatly by the increase in the minimum wage that took effect the first of the year. I know that sounds like a good thing….and it is, but, the problem is the business owners do not want to pay or cannot pay the increase. The pay increase ranges from 60% up to 256% depending on where you are (rural or urban) and what type of job it is. Thousands have already lost their jobs and more will. Some businesses have already moved to other countries such as El Salvador and Nicaragua. Many of the poor want to keep the wage they have so they won’t lose their job and this way they can still afford to buy food to eat. Thursday there were some manifestations of workers and teachers protesting in favor of the increase in salary. The teachers are also protesting and saying they will not go back to work until they are all paid for last year’s work. Many have not been paid in more than 4 months and some up to 10 months. How many of us would work if we were not getting paid? Also, the teachers are in favor of the minimum wage increase because their salaries are tied to the minimum wage. If it is increased they get an automatic wage increase too. This is causing an already bad situation to get worse.
All this week we have seen many elderly and some not so elderly with high blood pressure. We are seeing lots of fungus that is on the entire body. Not just a couple of spots here and there which is typical. We have seen plenty of respiratory problems as well as muscle aches and pains from the hard physical life that the people lead.
We are so grateful for the support that each of you offers us and we appreciate your continuous prayers. We will be in the states beginning January 24 for several meetings raising money for the Women’s clinic and a 5 day mission conference in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Please pray for our safety during the trip as well as each day here in Honduras. Please pray that all that hear of our work will open their hearts and be generous in their support of us, purchasing the land, and the Women’s clinic. Pray for us to hear and obey God’s voice every day. Pray for us to have a good supply of medicine to work with. Pray for us to be in good health.
We appreciate each of you!
Sorry I don’t have any pictures… someone stole our camera! Please visit our blog at www.thehandsofchrist.blogspot.com and leave comments for John and Ana. Please click on the word “comment” to leave John and Ana a message.
In Christ Service
John & Ana Lamon
For donations or correspondence by regular mail:
The Hands of Christ
P.O. Box 1252
Franklin, TN 37065
Telephone in Honduras 011-504-228-1902
Cell phone in Honduras 011-504-9-967-4574
Fax 011-504-228-1783
Sarah Hathaway 615-591-1706
Zechariah 4:6 So he said to me, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit,' says the Lord Almighty.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Good afternoon from Tennessee instead of Honduras! Sarah writing here wanting to update you a little bit. After a little time off for Christmas and the New Year, John and Ana are getting back into their weekly routine holding clinics and sharing the gospel. Please pray for John who is getting his eyes checked soon as he has been having a few headaches and probably needs a new prescription. Also, I have an unspoken request on behalf of Ana's sister.
John and Ana and John Israel will be traveling to the States at the end of January/first of February for the Global Missions Conference in Tuscaloosa, AL. Please pray for the travel safety and for their plans to go smoothly -- especially for an almost 5 year old John Israel! During the time they are here they are also trying to have some meetings regarding the women's hospital. Please pray for the Lord to set those meetings in His timing and with His results. On a practical note, please pray for their transportation while they are here traveling to and from Alabama, Memphis (where our parents live and where John's is planning a couple of meetings) and to Franklin to see our family and a few others. Pray specifically for God to direct every step we take as an organization and for us to follow Him willingly.
Thank you for your support.
John and Ana and John Israel will be traveling to the States at the end of January/first of February for the Global Missions Conference in Tuscaloosa, AL. Please pray for the travel safety and for their plans to go smoothly -- especially for an almost 5 year old John Israel! During the time they are here they are also trying to have some meetings regarding the women's hospital. Please pray for the Lord to set those meetings in His timing and with His results. On a practical note, please pray for their transportation while they are here traveling to and from Alabama, Memphis (where our parents live and where John's is planning a couple of meetings) and to Franklin to see our family and a few others. Pray specifically for God to direct every step we take as an organization and for us to follow Him willingly.
Thank you for your support.
Ana Lamon,
John Lamon,
medical missions,
The Hands of Christ
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