Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Merry Christmas from Honduras,

As we look back at 2010, we can see that much has been accomplished. For this, we give all the glory and honor to God. After all, He is the giver of all wisdom and abilities to succeed in this ministry.

We would like to thank each of our supporters. Without your prayers, contributions, and willingness to serve our work would not be possible. Your gifts have allowed more than 10,000 people to receive the medical care they so desperately need. For example, while a team was here with us we had a mother bring a severely dehydrated and malnourished baby to our clinic. The decision was made to send the baby to the hospital where it could receive intravenous rehydration treatments. This saved the baby’s life. One of the team members decided to sponsor the baby and is purchasing food and clothes for the baby. In a matter of several short weeks the baby responded to the nourishment it was receiving and is growing stronger. These are the miracles that each of you that support us is causing to happen.

Lives are changed physically and for some, spiritually too. Because we are here in Honduras, people are coming to know the Lord as their personal Savior. This only happens because you care enough to support us and to help us purchase the medicines that we need to run the medical clinics. God’s work continues here in Honduras. Some progress is being made on different permits and agreements with the Government Health department. Our Women’s Clinic plans continue to move forward. We are now working with the Honduran environmental agency to get their approval for our project. The slowness of the government is frustrating for us. We are trusting God that all will happen in His time. It is amazing as we look back and see how God has placed different people into our ministry at different times to help and encourage us, but more importantly to further His Kingdom and His work. He is Faithful all the time.

As 2010 comes to a close, please remember us in your end of the year giving. All gifts are tax deductable. We hope that you will continue to support us as the New Year begins. Please keep us in your prayers. Always pray for our safety and pray for us to hear and obey God. Pray for our base of supporters to grow. Please encourage others to visit our website Please feel free to contact us at We would love to hear from you. If you would like to send a team or come as an individual please contact us and let us know.

We hope each of you has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God’s peace fill your hearts and minds, and may He fill your days with blessings that you cannot imagine. We appreciate each of you.

For correspondence or donations: The Hands of Christ -- P.O. Box 1252 – Franklin, Tennessee 37065

You may also donate through the website at .

In Christ Service Always,
John & Ana Lamon

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Alternative Gift Giving for The Hands of Christ

December 2, 2010

Friends and Supporters:

As we enter this holiday season, The Hands of Christ is blessed to have faithful financial and prayer supporters like you. As you are making your Christmas and gift selection over the next few weeks we would like to offer you an alternative. If you would like to "purchase" a gift for The Hands of Christ in honor or memory of someone I will send you a gift tag to hang on your Christmas trees or wrap as a gift. Some examples of items you can gift to us are:

$15 for Medicine Bags and Supplies

$500 Shipment of Medicines

$30 for One Month Telephone Service or Utilities Assistance

$25,000 Cost of Medicines for One Year

$100 for Truck Fuel for 2 Weeks

$600 for Housing

Please send your gift and item notation to me by Dec. 15th at P.O. Box 1252 Franklin, TN 37065 or email me at the address below, I will in turn send you a “tag” for your tree!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sarah Hathaway
The Hands of Christ, Inc.
A Non-Profit Organization