Please read these words from Dr. Ana about her experience working with the friends from Tuscaloosa, Alabama!
Before beginning to write a “Greetings from Honduras” I prayed that The Holy Spirit would fill my mind with His presence and I can say what God really performed in my life and the lives of others during the amazing week working with the medical team from First United Methodist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
When I saw my friend Annette Mills in the parking lot of the airport my heart was full of joy seeing her again in Honduras. There was Jim, her husband, bringing people impelled by God’s Spirit to serve, giving love, putting in motion all talents to be an instrument of God's love for man. And overall these people are answers to the prayers of many who are living their lives full of expectation from God. I do not know why, but my heart was overloaded with joy seeing this group. Maybe because of friendships with some or it was God telling me this is going to be different. In my mind there were too many questions. But inside me I knew that something great would happen and change the lives of these missioners for the rest of their time on this Earth.
It was there where I met Tracy, Holly, Katie, Dr. David, Dr. Ford, Ed and Dr. Skip. I already met Dr. Jennifer a few years ago. This was just the beginning of our adventure in Christ. I do not know, but every time I work with Teams it is a completely different experience. We are all different but we serve the only true God: The Christ.
My deepest desire was for all these friends to feel as if they are at "home". Anything I could do for them I would do. And I am sure that my husband felt the same as me. All the work we did was amazing, always giving honor and glory to God. It was not just the total amount of patients but it was a fantastic time that God let me have with these wonderful people.
Tracy worked in triage identifying emergency cases. For example, there was a 1 year old girl dehydrated from diarrhea. She was stabilized by the doctors and then sent to the hospital. The little baby is now back home and doing better. This case was not just a simple medical problem. This was a miracle. And I remember we were united and prayed for this little angel; and how grateful we were for her. This makes me feel that all together we can do more and more for God's creation while His life giving love and healing flows through us to those in need. I can say more about medical cases but I think this one caused a major impact in us. But it goes without mentioning that if our women’s clinic was built we could have sent patients there and given them better treatment. But I can say honestly say that we did all we could for each patient with what we had.
After eating dinner each night the spiritual highs and low for the day came out of our souls. The lows gave us understanding that what we were doing was not easy because sometime things were not going the way we wanted, but we had spiritual highs that made us to fly like eagles in Christ.
Two surgeons worked with me this time. Woohoo! Just God working in the way that He knows how. But let me tell you this, God had a purpose. And both surgeons did more than they thought. And they did it…seeing two hundred patients per day!!!!!!!!! This is hard labor.
The Dental Team consisting of Doctors Jim, David, Jennifer and Miny pulled lots teeth; up to 10 in one patient. They also “dug” out lots of roots where the teeth had completely rotted away. Also, Annette was praying for each patient that her husband Jim worked on. That is amazing!!! Dr. Jennifer and her son Ed worked together giving them such great bonding time. God is amazing!!!! Dr. David’s compassion and friendliness made him many new friends in Honduras. I think I can mention Dr. Miny (the Honduran dentist as the smiling lady. She performed a wonderful job. Thank you Dental Team for all you did in those communities. God will bless you forever.
Katie, thank you for being a wonderful girl. Your abilities in Spanish are fantastic. I know that God will use you in tremendous ways. Thank you Dr. Skip. Your work made a difference in my life. Making decisions and causing a great impact in children. God Bless you for the big and great heart that you showed us and being a example to follow. I hope we can see you again here in Honduras. Thank you Dr. Ford and Holly (his daughter). Even though you all left early you touched our hearts as you prayed for each patient after you finished diagnosing them. The prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 4:16b)
To everyone we are grateful that you came to Honduras sharing Christ love and healing with the poor and needy. Thank all of you for giving to the Lord!!!!