Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Merry Christmas from Honduras,

As we look back at 2010, we can see that much has been accomplished. For this, we give all the glory and honor to God. After all, He is the giver of all wisdom and abilities to succeed in this ministry.

We would like to thank each of our supporters. Without your prayers, contributions, and willingness to serve our work would not be possible. Your gifts have allowed more than 10,000 people to receive the medical care they so desperately need. For example, while a team was here with us we had a mother bring a severely dehydrated and malnourished baby to our clinic. The decision was made to send the baby to the hospital where it could receive intravenous rehydration treatments. This saved the baby’s life. One of the team members decided to sponsor the baby and is purchasing food and clothes for the baby. In a matter of several short weeks the baby responded to the nourishment it was receiving and is growing stronger. These are the miracles that each of you that support us is causing to happen.

Lives are changed physically and for some, spiritually too. Because we are here in Honduras, people are coming to know the Lord as their personal Savior. This only happens because you care enough to support us and to help us purchase the medicines that we need to run the medical clinics. God’s work continues here in Honduras. Some progress is being made on different permits and agreements with the Government Health department. Our Women’s Clinic plans continue to move forward. We are now working with the Honduran environmental agency to get their approval for our project. The slowness of the government is frustrating for us. We are trusting God that all will happen in His time. It is amazing as we look back and see how God has placed different people into our ministry at different times to help and encourage us, but more importantly to further His Kingdom and His work. He is Faithful all the time.

As 2010 comes to a close, please remember us in your end of the year giving. All gifts are tax deductable. We hope that you will continue to support us as the New Year begins. Please keep us in your prayers. Always pray for our safety and pray for us to hear and obey God. Pray for our base of supporters to grow. Please encourage others to visit our website Please feel free to contact us at We would love to hear from you. If you would like to send a team or come as an individual please contact us and let us know.

We hope each of you has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God’s peace fill your hearts and minds, and may He fill your days with blessings that you cannot imagine. We appreciate each of you.

For correspondence or donations: The Hands of Christ -- P.O. Box 1252 – Franklin, Tennessee 37065

You may also donate through the website at .

In Christ Service Always,
John & Ana Lamon

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Alternative Gift Giving for The Hands of Christ

December 2, 2010

Friends and Supporters:

As we enter this holiday season, The Hands of Christ is blessed to have faithful financial and prayer supporters like you. As you are making your Christmas and gift selection over the next few weeks we would like to offer you an alternative. If you would like to "purchase" a gift for The Hands of Christ in honor or memory of someone I will send you a gift tag to hang on your Christmas trees or wrap as a gift. Some examples of items you can gift to us are:

$15 for Medicine Bags and Supplies

$500 Shipment of Medicines

$30 for One Month Telephone Service or Utilities Assistance

$25,000 Cost of Medicines for One Year

$100 for Truck Fuel for 2 Weeks

$600 for Housing

Please send your gift and item notation to me by Dec. 15th at P.O. Box 1252 Franklin, TN 37065 or email me at the address below, I will in turn send you a “tag” for your tree!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sarah Hathaway
The Hands of Christ, Inc.
A Non-Profit Organization

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dr. Ana's gives a recap of recent medical clinics

Please take a few minutes and read this heartfelt news from Dr. Ana Lamon about some recent midical clinics in Honduras. Pray about how God is leading you to help us. if you would like to make a donation you may go to and click "Donate Now" or mail your donation to The Hands of Christ P.O. Box 1252 Franklin, TN 37065. Thank you, Sarah Hathaway

One of our recent groups was led by Dr. John Waits from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. They worked with us from July 17 until July 23. He brought his wife Rachel and one of his children Mitchell. Dr. Waits worked in the medical clinic while Rachel and Mitchell worked as part of the group with the non-medical people and the locals. It was fun to see them open themselves up to the locals. They colored pictures with the smaller children and with the older children the game was always soccer. Soccer is the national pastime in Honduras. Mitchell was good at interacting and sharing himself with others and he learned some Spanish words quickly. He shared some fun stickers with all the children. Whatever part you play on a team, medical or non-medical, the most important thing to remember is to be flexible and you will have a great time.

Also in the group was Laura, a medical student, and Dr. Beth Western. It was really a pleasure to work with them. They were very committed, disciplined, and had a great love for their work and fellowman. Their example continues to motivate me to go into the world and show the world God’s love and that God is real; to show that God has men and women ready to work with Him and for Him; to return the favor to God that He has so graciously given us {His love}. This group also realized that what they possess on this earth is really just on loan from God and to really enjoy God’s blessings we need to be people that enjoy giving and should not fear it. In this case, we all used our God given talents to serve those who are the “least of these”.

God has put in our lives a young man named Oscar Espinoza, who is our main translator. He is a young man full of life, a life he has given to God for Him to use and God does use him. Also we would like to commend Laura for her excellent job translating for Dr. Waits. She is a great example of letting God use her for His Kingdom. We can all be used for God’s Kingdom if we just let Him have control.

I don’t want to forget to mention our other translator for this group, Ana Leticia, the “new kid” for her young age of 20. This was her first experience translating and she was touched by the love this group from Alabama showed to the poor in Lepaterique. The atmosphere around them seemed supernatural. It was charged with God’s love and compassion for the people we were helping. It was amazing to see them praying for each patient and so eager to tell others about God’s love and salvation for them. We all know that God is love, but it seems so hard for most of us to share that as it is meant to be shared, yet for this group it came as from another dimension. It was easy for them and they were eager to do God’s bidding as we all should be. This group left me with a challenge to pray with all my patients. It is always amazing to me that even with them taking the time to pray for all their patients we saw each and every patient that God sent us.

The object of both doctors in the group was to give physical healing, but also to bring each patient to know Christ as their personal Savior. God knows with His infinite wisdom that not only our bodies need His healing but also our souls. In Mathew 9:1-7 Jesus first forgave the paralytic’s sins and then gave him physical healing. This is our example to follow! Many times while the doctors were praying with patients I (Ana) heard them ask God to forgive the sins of the patient they were praying for. This is the example given us in the prayer of faith in James 5:13-16. What a great example they were setting as they prayed for each patient.
Our God’s mercy is immense. To send workers such as this group makes me turn my face to God and analyze my actions to see if what I am doing is pleasing to God. Each day as we finish our work I give my work to God having done my part and knowing that He will do his and His name will be glorified.

I give thanks to God each day for His mercy and how He teaches us and helps us to grow in Christ. Each day I ask God for His wisdom and for Him to help me to see the more than 100 patients each day that we work. I know that when I am helping my fellowman that I am following God’s leading as taught in Mathew 25:31-46. Another thing that I ask just as Peter or Paul or any of His disciples ask was that after I finish examining my patient that I can lay hands on them and they will be healed. In all our work we are completing the verse found in Mathew 9:37-38 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” I need to and want to do what God has planned for me day after day with Christ as the center of my life and my husband’s life in relation to the ministry that we have been called to serve.

I want to share with you two miracles of healing. One happened while Dr. Waits group was here and the other while Claudia Stull and Charlotte Shepherd from Kentucky were here. There was a teenager with Hemorrhagic Dengue which can be fatal and a 5 year old boy with Leukemia. In both cases I looked for the local pastor and other to pray for them and they were healed!! They were healed by the power of God through His word. Again we were just following what it says in James 5:14-16. Is anyone of you is sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

In Christ Service Always,
Ana Lamon

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Words from a Missionary from Kentucky

A few words from Claudia Stull, a faithful summer missionary to Honduras for several years now. She, along with her friends, visit Dr. Ana and John each summer and support their work with time, love and prayer. If you would like to donate to The Hands of Christ you may send a check to P.O. Box 1252, Franklin, TN 37065 or donate online to

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily doings and miss out on seeing God in action. How did I see God as work here today, I pondered in my room. How could I not see him when we are here to minister to the people in His name?

Over the weekend God told me to pray with each person or family that I saw in the clinic. That Monday, John opened the clinic in prayer and asked God to show us how to ‘open our mouths’, and speak what the people needed to hear. Confirmation. I began praying with those I saw.

That morning three women came with physical concerns, but also with issues of the heart that needed to talk and be comforted. Not the usual scenario. The next day six people accepted Christ. Later came the older gentleman who told us of how he met God two years ago and was now marrying his common law wife of 35 years, because he saw that living together was not what God would have him do. His desire now is to live his life in a manner pleasing to God.

Prayer was through a young interpreter and as she worked with all of us, the Holy Spirit came alive for her, replacing what she had known as a dead religious spirit. She asked God to show her how to live this vibrant God-filled life and how to have a personal relationship with Him.

The last day of clinic a young man was carried in minimally responsive. Ana diagnosed him with hemorrhagic dengue, which is most often fatal. Ana, Pastora Margarita and I prayed for him as Ana believed he had only a short while to live. Ana led him to Christ, and asked those with him to take him to the hospital immediately. Clinic was busy that morning but I did see him briefly and noticed that he was able to walk unassisted to a chair to wait on transportation. Later we learned that he recovered. As Ana said, “The boy is more than better. Everybody in Las Hadras admired the way GOD HEALED THIS BOY!!! HE NEVER WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. He just drank oral rehydration salt at his house. I remember this boy was running a fever and hypotension. I did not give him any other medication except what I told you. And the end of this story: GOD HEALED HIM.”

We saw the sprit of satan and the sprit of lawlessness at work, but we saw the Spirit of God as well, and God is more powerful still.

You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. Jer. 23:19

We sought Him and He showed up.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

True Story!!

John and Ana, asked me to post this for all to read so you can see evidence of your contributions and how they are changing lives in Honduras and of the volunteers from America.

What Can a Preacher Do On a Medical Mission?
By Dan Kilgore, Assistant Pastor

It was 4:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and I was standing in the church parking lot about to get on one of our church buses. What in the world was I thinking when I told Jim and Annette Mills that I would go with them on a medical mission to Honduras! What can a preacher do on a medical mission? And no one mentioned we would leave at 4:00 a.m.! But here I was with ten other folks going to a town in Honduras that I had never heard of -in fact I couldn’t even pronounce the name! By the middle of the afternoon I was in Lepaterique, Honduras, with Dr. Jim and Annette Mills, Dr. Jennifer Wright and Edmundson, her son, Dr. Ford Simpson and Holly, his daughter, Dr. William (Skip) Pridgen and Katie, his daughter, Dr. David Nelson, and Tracy Ferguson, a nurse from Tuscaloosa.

I went on my first mission trip in 1967, and have been on many of these trips in the U.S. and in about thirteen other countries over the years. However, this trip was special! In fact, it was very special!

What made it special? Well, first we knew the missionaries and they knew us! Dr. Ana and John Lamon have been part of our Global Impact Celebration. We have seen how dedicated they are to their work. We know their story. We have seen their son grow up over the years. We support their work with our mission offerings.

The imprint of FUMCT is on the churches and the people around Lepaterique. We have sent teams there for several years. Three of our team members had been before. All week we heard stories about the impact that doctors and dentists from our church have made on the lives of children and adults.

Pastor Omar and his church members greeted us as if we were old friends. Immediately we felt the warmth of Christian fellowship. We spoke different languages, but we serve the same Savior. These folks had everything so organized that the trip was an easy one in many ways. But work we did! We went to four different areas in five days. And everyday when we arrived at a small church there would be a hundred or more folks waiting for the clinic to open. Our doctors saw over 1,200 patients in 4 1/2 days.

On Friday after this team had been given the privilege to ease pain of so many and to pray with the patients and to be loved by the people, we made our way back to the capital city. There some of us got to see a dream of the future. “Hands of Christ” Ministry has purchased several acres just outside of the city where John and Ana hope to see a clinic built. Our church is committed to help with this project.

You see, one of the main reasons this was so special to me was because we have not finished in Honduras. There will be more teams to go help the Lamons fulfill the mission Christ has for them and us.

Will you join me in praying for the “Hands of Christ” Ministry every day? Will you go with me to Lepaterique or some other part of Honduras one day, because I want to go back!

P.S. What can a preacher do on a medical mission team? Well this time I was the pharmacist’s helper and I also got to preach in the church one night!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update from The Hands of Christ

June 28 Update from John and Ana:

Group arrived yesterday.
Today we are counting pills and getting ready for the medical brigades this week and next week. At this moment there has been no violence related to the one year anniversary of the expulsion of their ex president Mel Zelaya
Prayer list:
1. For paperwork to allow the new truck into Honduras without paying taxes to be signed quickly
2. For all permits for construction of women's clinic to be approved quickly
3. For our safety here in Honduras
4. For us to hear and obey God's voice in our lives each day

Monday, May 31, 2010

More photos to share from Honduras!

Some of the many patients seen in Guagabal.

All 4 dentists hard at work.

Dr. Pridgen with his daughter Katie.

Letter from Ana

Please read these words from Dr. Ana about her experience working with the friends from Tuscaloosa, Alabama!

Before beginning to write a “Greetings from Honduras” I prayed that The Holy Spirit would fill my mind with His presence and I can say what God really performed in my life and the lives of others during the amazing week working with the medical team from First United Methodist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
When I saw my friend Annette Mills in the parking lot of the airport my heart was full of joy seeing her again in Honduras. There was Jim, her husband, bringing people impelled by God’s Spirit to serve, giving love, putting in motion all talents to be an instrument of God's love for man. And overall these people are answers to the prayers of many who are living their lives full of expectation from God. I do not know why, but my heart was overloaded with joy seeing this group. Maybe because of friendships with some or it was God telling me this is going to be different. In my mind there were too many questions. But inside me I knew that something great would happen and change the lives of these missioners for the rest of their time on this Earth.

It was there where I met Tracy, Holly, Katie, Dr. David, Dr. Ford, Ed and Dr. Skip. I already met Dr. Jennifer a few years ago. This was just the beginning of our adventure in Christ. I do not know, but every time I work with Teams it is a completely different experience. We are all different but we serve the only true God: The Christ.

My deepest desire was for all these friends to feel as if they are at "home". Anything I could do for them I would do. And I am sure that my husband felt the same as me. All the work we did was amazing, always giving honor and glory to God. It was not just the total amount of patients but it was a fantastic time that God let me have with these wonderful people.

Tracy worked in triage identifying emergency cases. For example, there was a 1 year old girl dehydrated from diarrhea. She was stabilized by the doctors and then sent to the hospital. The little baby is now back home and doing better. This case was not just a simple medical problem. This was a miracle. And I remember we were united and prayed for this little angel; and how grateful we were for her. This makes me feel that all together we can do more and more for God's creation while His life giving love and healing flows through us to those in need. I can say more about medical cases but I think this one caused a major impact in us. But it goes without mentioning that if our women’s clinic was built we could have sent patients there and given them better treatment. But I can say honestly say that we did all we could for each patient with what we had.

After eating dinner each night the spiritual highs and low for the day came out of our souls. The lows gave us understanding that what we were doing was not easy because sometime things were not going the way we wanted, but we had spiritual highs that made us to fly like eagles in Christ.

Two surgeons worked with me this time. Woohoo! Just God working in the way that He knows how. But let me tell you this, God had a purpose. And both surgeons did more than they thought. And they did it…seeing two hundred patients per day!!!!!!!!! This is hard labor.

The Dental Team consisting of Doctors Jim, David, Jennifer and Miny pulled lots teeth; up to 10 in one patient. They also “dug” out lots of roots where the teeth had completely rotted away. Also, Annette was praying for each patient that her husband Jim worked on. That is amazing!!! Dr. Jennifer and her son Ed worked together giving them such great bonding time. God is amazing!!!! Dr. David’s compassion and friendliness made him many new friends in Honduras. I think I can mention Dr. Miny (the Honduran dentist as the smiling lady. She performed a wonderful job. Thank you Dental Team for all you did in those communities. God will bless you forever.

Katie, thank you for being a wonderful girl. Your abilities in Spanish are fantastic. I know that God will use you in tremendous ways. Thank you Dr. Skip. Your work made a difference in my life. Making decisions and causing a great impact in children. God Bless you for the big and great heart that you showed us and being a example to follow. I hope we can see you again here in Honduras. Thank you Dr. Ford and Holly (his daughter). Even though you all left early you touched our hearts as you prayed for each patient after you finished diagnosing them. The prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 4:16b)

To everyone we are grateful that you came to Honduras sharing Christ love and healing with the poor and needy. Thank all of you for giving to the Lord!!!!

Peopel waiting and then being served by the people of Tuscaloosa

Nurse Traci taking a patients blood pressure.

Dr. David with a patient and his translator Anna.

The crowd waiting at El Naranjo.

What a Week in Honduras!

Starting the day with prayer!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Update from The Hands of Christ

Greetings to you from Honduras!
Ana and I hope this newsletter finds each of you enjoying life and the walking with God. The LORD is blessing us and the work we do serving Him among the poor in Honduras. We had a two wonderful weeks {2nd & 3rd weeks of February} serving with local pastors in the communities of Ciudad EspaƱa, Las Hadras, La Brea, El Empedrado, La Guajire. The first two communities are a few miles outside of Tegucigalpa towards San Pedro Sula and the latter three communities are towards Lepaterique. Hundreds of patients received the medical attention they desperately needed. There is a critical shortage of medicine in the health department and public hospitals of Honduras. It is truly a blessing that we are here and able to treat so many people. The credit for our ability to serve others needs goes to our supporters and especially to God. The pastor for the group of churches around Lepaterique used us to bring people into the local church at El Empedrado and was inviting them to a grand reopening of the local church. It had been closed for several months after the pastor was unable to continue the work. God will use each of us in many ways if only we are willing to let him.

The following was written by Dr. Ana Lamon after the group from Frankfort, Kentucky went home recently. They were here the first week of March. The group was made up of 25 wonderful volunteers including but not limited to doctors, dentists, dental hygienists, nurses, a pharmacist, a pastor, a veterinarian and workers to keep things running smoothly. I am sure I have left someone out but as you can see it was a great group that accomplished much with God’s help.

After the Group of Kentucky left Honduras they have been in my mind since then. How can we forget this blessed week? Not just this week one, but weeks others before this. The impact that they caused in thousands and thousands of lives is impressive.

Their commitment, dedication, passion, knowledge and love are a terrific flag of hope to those in need. And their actions are noble to imitate. Therefore, they fulfill what the scripture says in Matthew 12:50 -- “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and my sister and my mother.”

It was a great week with surprises, adjustments, challenges and how can I not say to believe that with prayer all obstacles or obstructions can fall with the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, giving up opinions and doing what has to be done in the name of Jesus even though you don’t feel things should go that way. But, always understanding that Jesus is the captain of any boat you are sailing, and assimilating that your security comes from Him and He will always do His will. (2 Corinthians 1:24 -- Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm.”). Matthew 16:27--For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.

The second week of March we worked in a new community here in Tegucigalpa. It was called Policarpo Paz. We saw lot of really sick people and it was a good experience for us. You could feel God’s presence and His peace while you were working.
This week we have an individual volunteer and his daughter with us. We will be working in Los Laureles and Sabana Redonda which is near Lepaterique.

We appreciate your continued prayers and support for our ministry. Please visit our website at or you may e-mail us at

May God richly bless your lives as you bless others.
In Christ’s service always,

John & Ana Lamon